October 6, 2009

Breaking News: Man Finishes Project

Ta-daa! In a rare feat, I actually finished a project that I only days ago planned out. I couldn't find a frame with a 2" x 4" window to tightly frame the stamps, nor could I find one with matting that did the same. So, I bought myself a $5 frame at Marshalls. I think the thickness of the frame substitutes for matting by drawing the eye inward toward the framed object. I'm not too wild about the frame by itself, but I think it looks kind of neat as a finished product.

Now, if only I could find a suitable place in the studio/office to hang it. Hm...

1 comment:

PostMuse said...

Beautiful! I need to do that with some of my favorite postage, although I tend to actually put my favorite postage on my "orphaned" cards and let the USPS have their way with them.