July 20, 2010

Everyday Correspondence and PNT in the News!

Last week I was contacted by Matt Frassica, a reporter for the Louisville Courier-Journal, who was writing an article on e-mail etiquette, and was impressed by PNT's guest series on valedictions. Long story short, I put PNT (real name Preston Thomas) in touch with Frassica - and a story was born!

In the article, Preston is catapulted to the same plane as etiquette authorities Peter Post, grandson of Emily Post, and author Will Schwalble. Out of all those interviewed, however, Preston is the only one who gives a good challenge to the status quo - and for that I applaud him. For example, Frassica writes that:
Thomas said that "Thanks" owed its pre-eminence in business correspondence to laziness and a pack mentality."

If you break the norm, you seem like the odd man out," he said. "Maybe the solution is just to grow a spine, put some thought into it and actually pick a word" that fits the situation, he said.
For additional quotational gems, you may read the full article available on the newspaper's website.

And since they're topical, here are links to past Everyday Correspondence posts on epistolary etiquette, valedictions, and Emily Post.


GrannyKass said...

I linked from this entry to your Sunday etquette. I read the entire group of entries having fully enjoyed the lot.

Thanks for the post and the links.

I did find one link that redirected me to a page with only an index of all Autograph Magazines articles. Could you have a look at that and redirect the link appropriately for viewing?

James said...

@GrannyKass, I'm so glad you've enjoyed my posts!

And, thank you for bringing the broken link to my attention. My guess is that the article was archived to a new URL some time after I originally posted the link.

The link has been fixed in the relevant post. But, so you don't have to click around to find it, here is the link to Autograph Magazine article:


Very truly yours,
