I must tell you about my latest fascination: vintage letterheads. I have been finding scans of vintage letterhead online and trying my hand at photo editing to obtain clean images that I can print (on my office color laser printer for max effect) onto quality paper.
This letterhead is from what I assume to be complimentary hotel stationary from the Hotel Mecca in Cleveland, Ohio. The original date (that I digitally removed from the image) was 1920. So, I picked up on that theme and decided to use an envelope I made from a liquor advertisement.
To top it off, I used a vintage black cinema stamp, commemorating the film Hallelujah, released in 1929, and a pair of classic Tiffany lamp 1 cent stamps.
If you would like to use the Hotel Mecca letterhead for your own correspondence, I have posted it for download here. It was free to me, and although I took the time to clean the image up, I see no reason why it shouldn't be free to you.
All kinds of wow, man.
Am I ruining things if I admit to being the lucky recipient of this, and both the envelope and letterheads are even better in real life? I hope not (I hope I'm not ruining it, that is). This was a treat, all around!
I will not link to your Picasa web album with the cleaned-up images without your permission, but I must ask: may I share these gems with my own blog readers? The letterheads are awesome and I know a bunch of folks that would be interested. (For your own traffic, I'd maybe just link to this post.)
My favorite thing about this letterhead is that they have a place for the date, and it's listed 19__. Little did they know anyone would be filling in those blanks in the 21st century...
Absolutely, Ilona! I'm so glad to hear that you enjoyed my letter to you.
I have taken your polite request for permission to link to my images by creating a new blog post where I will catalog my images. You're more than welcome to link to this page and any post on it as much as you'd like.
Thanks for the note, and I'm glad to see that you're back blogging at the Missive Maven!
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